^ The uniform strongly implies she joined the brigade. (Also, you can somewhat see a stamp on her arm, with a number on it, and "1" is not that number)- BerserkerPhantom ( talk) 19:12, (UTC) Then you completely missed the part that states that she was shunned from the brigade as a punishment for being involved with kidnapping children. We already know from Shinra and Arthur's time in the 1st, that you don't have to be part of the brigade to take orders from it. Akitaru said she's under the command of the 8th, not that she's part of it. Just read the new chapter and no where did it say that she left her brigade or joined the 8th. Knight_of_Jackal talk Not trying to start a war but you removed the image Omojuze because it didn't fit, but it does fit? - Shinra Kusakabe ( talk) 11:55, Decem(UTC) Brigades

The previous picture did not look bad to me either but the current one does make the section more cohesive. So i don't see why your edit shouldn't be reverted. The previous image showed her entire body and didn't appear "clogy" to me. Now, literally, separating the sections unnecessarily so that the picture would appear to fit is beyond ludicrous.- Omojuze ( talk) 05:26, Decem(UTC) Like, I'd understand if the person was doing actual cleanup. At this point, adding more than one picture that clearly doesn't fix should be a bannable offense >_>

Images are there generally to enhance the page.".
Kotatsu fire force series#
"There's no need to add every image possible to pages, the wiki is about documenting the series in text form, not a huge number of images.